Luke has written for a range of online publishers, including The Conversation, Time Out, Manchester Evening News, Butterfly Conservation, and Platform. He has also co-authored the following three publications. Click on the images to find out more about each project.
Bike share in Greater Manchester (2018)
University of Salford
Bike share is increasingly evident in cities across the globe. This report provides new evidence of experiences and perceptions of bike share in Greater Manchester. It explores whether, to what extent and in what forms bike share can contribute to an overall increase in the number of people cycling, the number of journeys they make and all the benefits that follow.
Encountering the Unexpected (2018)
University of Leicester
Encountering the Unexpected was a two-year action research project that ran from March 2016 to April 2018. The project enabled six museums working in partnership with RCMG and strategic partners specialising in ageing, the environment and nature connectedness, to take part in a series of Exchange events and develop Museum Experiments that would challenge museum practice and thinking, and offer older people more fulfilling, and meaningful, engagement experiences.
Fruitful Futures: Imagining Pomona (2016)
Manchester Metropolitan University
Fruitful Futures is a creative compendium of paradoxical stories about biodiversity and urban planning, carbon-free air miles, invasive species for healthy living, and old toolkits to design new natures. It reflects the passion of the LiFE collective to inspire a holistic interpretation of the future that draws on multi-disciplinary knowledge to critically propose visions for the Future City.
​© Luke Blazejewski